Sunday, May 10, 2009


Spring is a stupid season. Nothing interesting ever happens in spring, and thus I petition to do away with it completely.

However, since spring is the season of birth, happiness, and bunnies, it got me thinking about death. I have concluded that people are insensitive, selfish morons. You probably have no idea what I'm talking about, so let me explain.

It is a completely selfish, stupid, and useless act to mourn someones death. It is an excuse for people to take some time off work, sit around and feel sorry for themselves. "But Burn, mourning is to feel sorry for the person who died." Shut up and stop lying to yourself. Why should anyone feel bad for a dead person? It is stupid anyway you look at it. Either they are just gone and have no way to be unhappy about their situation, gone to Heaven where they would be much happier than on Earth, or gone to Hell because they were a horrible person in which case they don't deserve your sympathy. What mourning really is is a way for you to get away with being sad because the person that died can't do anything for you anymore. Besides that, what exactly is the point? It's not like there's any chance of them coming back to life if you cry enough. The more I think about it, the less I get it.

And what is all the fuss about respecting the dead? I get this even less. They're dead! It's not like their going to get offended. I honestly want someone to explain to me why I should worship a rotting hunk of meat.