Can someone please explain the point of the election that we just had up here, because I am lost.
Let's see...what has changed? Well the Conservatives won a minori-no wait, nothing new there...uh...oh! The Liberals came in secon-nope, never mind. That's still the same...Quebecers are clinging to their separatist party and should just stop whining and leav-ah, right. That has been going on for years. What changed in this election exactly?
We just spent $300 Million, that's $300,000,000 on an election that ultimately changed absolutely nothing. That's a lot of zeros to spend on nothing. Let me put this into perspective. Here is a list of useful things we could have spent the money on:
428 CAT Scanners to provide quicker diagnosis of cancer and other diseases, and improve the quality of health care in Canada--Cost: $299.6 million
5400 Affordable housing units to help fight poverty and reduce homelessness--Cost: about $292 million
Offset 2.1 billion kg of CO2 emissions (742 million liters of oil)--Cost: $294,258,310.63
7 Euros to help stimulate the economy--Cost: $298.5 million
1 medium pizza (3 toppings max) for every person who actually voted (Lowest turnout for a Canadian general election ever-58%) It would help to fight hunger--Cost: about $250 million
There. All the election issues, and what could have happened if the money was spent there. But, no. The government couldn't spend money on the issues that Canadians want them to, they use it to take a month off work and fly around the country. Hey, it's a free vacation at the taxpayers expense! Where's the problem there? Fuckers.
The election also sets the stage for another issue that has been bugging me, and a lot of people in the country: The way the government is set up. Everyone claims that this is such a fair system of government, and oh look at how great democracy is! All right Mr. Patriot, explain to me how a party that gets 8% of the votes in the country gets 50 seats in the government, while a party that gets 6% gets none. Show me the fairness in that. The BQ, a party that doesn't even have anybody running for MP outside of Quebec, gets about 8% of the popular vote in Canada, and they get 50 seats. The Green Party, who actually has someone running for election in every riding gets 6.6% of the votes in the country, but because they didn't come in first in any of the ridings, they don't get any say in the government. This is complete bullshit. Everyone is griping about only 58% voter turnout, but what do you expect? The majority of the ballots cast don't even count. If your ballot is not going to count, then what is the point of even voting?
All this may just be because I live in a riding full of idiots. They elected the biggest asshole running for MP. It's not just because he's Conservative, the party which I particularly dislike, that I'm griping about him, it's the fact that the guy is a dick. He is, as a person, quite simply a incompetent, untrustworthy jerk. His whole campaign was run based on cheap shots at other candidates, kissing Harper's ass, and telling downright lies. Plus he just looks like a murderer. He's all wiry and squinty-eyed. I have a really bad feeling about him.
It might well be a very long 8 months until the next election.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Global Warming
All right, I've got to say something about this; this one, oh-so-important topic, the one that the news media has just been eating up over the past while: the weather. That's right, the weather. Now, it's a fairly normal day here, actually quite nice, but it seems that "quite nice" is becoming more rare these days. All over the planet weather is becoming more severe. Long, droughts, harsher winters, stronger hurricanes; People are dying because of lack of rainfall in one place, while too much is flooding towns somewhere else. By now you've probably guessed what I'm going on about. Yes, I want to talk about climate change: Global fucking warming.
Now if you don't know what this global warming thing is, obviously the rock you've been living under has air conditioning. To put it simply, the world is heating up, so polar bears are going to drown, cities will be under water, and everyone is going to fucking die.
Today there is pretty much a consensus that global warming is real. It would be hard to find someone who doesn't agree that things are changing. The one thing that absolutely no one can seem to agree upon is the cause of climate change. It's all the oil companies' fault, it's China and India, it's just a cycle of the Earth; everything causes global warming. Everything but you. That is the one thing about the issue that is common with everyone, and no one seems to realize it. The whole issue of global warming just fucking reeks of this, what will be humanity's fatal flaw, and what we are best at: laziness.
You people bitch, and moan, and whine, and blame everything and it's dog for causing global warming, but you do it all from the nice comfy seats of your goddamn hummers! I hope that $60,000 shoebox was worth it, I really do, because you're driving it off a cliff, and I'm tied and gagged in the back seat. You must realize that once we reach a certain point it will be impossible to turn around, and yet you absolutely refuse to steer away. I have met an extremely small number of people in my life who have actually changed-and I don't mean do the bare minimum and buy a different type of light bulb. There is no easy and convenient way to save the world. Unfortunately, you're going to have to break a sweat.
Now, I obviously feel that Global Warming is man-made, and I can already hear the "This is all natural" people gearing up to try and shoot down my theories, and you know what? Go ahead. You can give me your facts and data, and I'll listen; I?d be the first one to admit that my theory is just that, a theory. I don't really have any numbers to back me up. What I have is but one question, and the only one I would pose to you. What if you're wrong? This planet is our home, and the only one we have. There is nowhere else to go if something happens to Earth. In other words, we very well may be facing our extinction here. Maybe if we change, it will be futile. Maybe this planet has had enough of us and wants us gone, but if our survival is at stake, where's the harm in trying? If you're wrong and we don't do anything, we die. If I'm wrong, honestly what is the worst that could happen? A horizon in Beijing? Rainforests that aren't completely bulldozed?
From the past, we can see that people never act to prevent something until it already has happened. In this case that is not an option. We are facing an ultimatum here: Get off your ass, stop being lazy and stop being so god damn destructive toward this planet or die. It is that black and white. The end will have to be one of those two options, whether you like it or not. So, I ask you, which one do you choose?
Now if you don't know what this global warming thing is, obviously the rock you've been living under has air conditioning. To put it simply, the world is heating up, so polar bears are going to drown, cities will be under water, and everyone is going to fucking die.
Today there is pretty much a consensus that global warming is real. It would be hard to find someone who doesn't agree that things are changing. The one thing that absolutely no one can seem to agree upon is the cause of climate change. It's all the oil companies' fault, it's China and India, it's just a cycle of the Earth; everything causes global warming. Everything but you. That is the one thing about the issue that is common with everyone, and no one seems to realize it. The whole issue of global warming just fucking reeks of this, what will be humanity's fatal flaw, and what we are best at: laziness.
You people bitch, and moan, and whine, and blame everything and it's dog for causing global warming, but you do it all from the nice comfy seats of your goddamn hummers! I hope that $60,000 shoebox was worth it, I really do, because you're driving it off a cliff, and I'm tied and gagged in the back seat. You must realize that once we reach a certain point it will be impossible to turn around, and yet you absolutely refuse to steer away. I have met an extremely small number of people in my life who have actually changed-and I don't mean do the bare minimum and buy a different type of light bulb. There is no easy and convenient way to save the world. Unfortunately, you're going to have to break a sweat.
Now, I obviously feel that Global Warming is man-made, and I can already hear the "This is all natural" people gearing up to try and shoot down my theories, and you know what? Go ahead. You can give me your facts and data, and I'll listen; I?d be the first one to admit that my theory is just that, a theory. I don't really have any numbers to back me up. What I have is but one question, and the only one I would pose to you. What if you're wrong? This planet is our home, and the only one we have. There is nowhere else to go if something happens to Earth. In other words, we very well may be facing our extinction here. Maybe if we change, it will be futile. Maybe this planet has had enough of us and wants us gone, but if our survival is at stake, where's the harm in trying? If you're wrong and we don't do anything, we die. If I'm wrong, honestly what is the worst that could happen? A horizon in Beijing? Rainforests that aren't completely bulldozed?
From the past, we can see that people never act to prevent something until it already has happened. In this case that is not an option. We are facing an ultimatum here: Get off your ass, stop being lazy and stop being so god damn destructive toward this planet or die. It is that black and white. The end will have to be one of those two options, whether you like it or not. So, I ask you, which one do you choose?
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
So, my brother is a vegetarian. I don't see how anyone could refuse to eat meat, but I get it. I know why he would do it. He does it because he doesn't want some animal dying because of him. I can understand that. I think it's stupid, and don't really see the difference between killing a plant and an animal (In the words of 2 the Ranting Gryphon, "Taking the life of a plant is no different from taking the life of an animal. Just because it can't yelp when you pluck it doesn't mean you're not killing it.") but I can sort of see why he doesn't want to be a part of the death of that animal. But he did something the other day that really confused me.
I made mac and cheese for dinner, and as usual I grated (grote?) up some cheese to put in with the powdered shit that call cheese in the box. When I served it my bother looked at it, turned his nose up at it, and then threw it away. Apparently the cheese I added contained calf stomach lining or something, and he refused to eat, and would rather throw that food away and starve than eat it.
Now, he can starve, I don't care about that, but what I didn't get is why he would throw that food in the garbage. It is one thing to not want a animal to die because of you, but as soon as that animal is already dead and on a plate, throwing it away is, from my point of view, much worse. By throwing it away you are not preventing that animal from dying, it's already dead; All you're doing is making it so that that cow in your burger died in vain. The thing is though, that this isn't just my brother. I bet you you could not find a "devout" vegetarian who would not do the exact same thing. By throwing it away, you are taking a death that would have at least gone to giving you nutrition and energy to let you live, and taking even that away from it. While refusing to let an animal be killed to feed you, you just made that animal die for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Good job. You are now just slightly less hypocritical than Jerry Falwell if he opened a gay bar.
I made mac and cheese for dinner, and as usual I grated (grote?) up some cheese to put in with the powdered shit that call cheese in the box. When I served it my bother looked at it, turned his nose up at it, and then threw it away. Apparently the cheese I added contained calf stomach lining or something, and he refused to eat, and would rather throw that food away and starve than eat it.
Now, he can starve, I don't care about that, but what I didn't get is why he would throw that food in the garbage. It is one thing to not want a animal to die because of you, but as soon as that animal is already dead and on a plate, throwing it away is, from my point of view, much worse. By throwing it away you are not preventing that animal from dying, it's already dead; All you're doing is making it so that that cow in your burger died in vain. The thing is though, that this isn't just my brother. I bet you you could not find a "devout" vegetarian who would not do the exact same thing. By throwing it away, you are taking a death that would have at least gone to giving you nutrition and energy to let you live, and taking even that away from it. While refusing to let an animal be killed to feed you, you just made that animal die for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Good job. You are now just slightly less hypocritical than Jerry Falwell if he opened a gay bar.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Drugs are bad
omfg this is addicting. I swear it's the crack of the internet.
My high score is 3.73 seconds.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Polish Fried Chicken
I hate the media right now. I don't care what anyone else says, the whole Polish guy getting tasered thing is being completely sensationalized. They're still talking about it, like, six months later. I mean come on when was it? October? And now they just had an article in the Vancouver Sun today.
Honestly, I don't know how anyone can pick sides in this, the news has not, and probably never will get the whole story. They have completely covered the Polish guy's side of the story, I mean they dug years into his past, they interviewed his roommate and all his friends, and yet the best they can do for the police's side of the story is have one single interview with the police chief. They have not interviewed the police officers involved and to the best of my knowledge have made absolutely no attempt to try. And I've heard people say that, "Well the RCMP tells it's officers not to talk." This is such a bullshit response! To get the victim's side of the story they will find names, arrange dates for interviews, and if no date can be arranged, they'll go right to their house, shove a camera into their face when they answer the door and then interview them on the front porch. In this case they traveled all the way to Poland for a few interviews! But when it comes to the RCMP they won't even bother phoning the officers involved.
Of course, money is the only reason they do it, and don't tell me otherwise. They want to make the Polish guy to look like he was completely innocent and the cops to be the big mean bad guys, for one simple reason: so they can drag the story out for as long as possible. Think about it. If they took the cops side of this and said that it was justified and not excessive force, that would have been it. There is no where to go with the story. However, if they get the Polish guy's side they will cause anger, which will cause controversy, which will increase ratings. Plus with this controversy they can make every insignificant detail, like his past, into a huge 10 minute long piece, which will cause more anger, and thus even more ratings. (From the sound of the piece they did on his past it sounded like he was a criminal anyway, even though they did try to sugar coat it.) Don't believe me? Guess what the article in the Sun was about. It was talking about how the customs guy thought he was calm when he was checking in to Canada. That stupid, insignificant article, that held no answers as to what actually happened when the police encountered him, made front page. No joke.
And before I get a bunch of negative replies from the imaginary people who view my page saying that I condone murder, etc. just shut up and read the above paragraph again. I'm not saying the death is justified, and yes, it's tragic that he died, what I'm saying is that you shouldn't choose sides based on biased news coverage and a minute long, low quality video on Youtube.
Honestly, I don't know how anyone can pick sides in this, the news has not, and probably never will get the whole story. They have completely covered the Polish guy's side of the story, I mean they dug years into his past, they interviewed his roommate and all his friends, and yet the best they can do for the police's side of the story is have one single interview with the police chief. They have not interviewed the police officers involved and to the best of my knowledge have made absolutely no attempt to try. And I've heard people say that, "Well the RCMP tells it's officers not to talk." This is such a bullshit response! To get the victim's side of the story they will find names, arrange dates for interviews, and if no date can be arranged, they'll go right to their house, shove a camera into their face when they answer the door and then interview them on the front porch. In this case they traveled all the way to Poland for a few interviews! But when it comes to the RCMP they won't even bother phoning the officers involved.
Of course, money is the only reason they do it, and don't tell me otherwise. They want to make the Polish guy to look like he was completely innocent and the cops to be the big mean bad guys, for one simple reason: so they can drag the story out for as long as possible. Think about it. If they took the cops side of this and said that it was justified and not excessive force, that would have been it. There is no where to go with the story. However, if they get the Polish guy's side they will cause anger, which will cause controversy, which will increase ratings. Plus with this controversy they can make every insignificant detail, like his past, into a huge 10 minute long piece, which will cause more anger, and thus even more ratings. (From the sound of the piece they did on his past it sounded like he was a criminal anyway, even though they did try to sugar coat it.) Don't believe me? Guess what the article in the Sun was about. It was talking about how the customs guy thought he was calm when he was checking in to Canada. That stupid, insignificant article, that held no answers as to what actually happened when the police encountered him, made front page. No joke.
And before I get a bunch of negative replies from the imaginary people who view my page saying that I condone murder, etc. just shut up and read the above paragraph again. I'm not saying the death is justified, and yes, it's tragic that he died, what I'm saying is that you shouldn't choose sides based on biased news coverage and a minute long, low quality video on Youtube.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
This story will have a moral that will apply to my experiences today. Now sit and listen.
One time there was a little lobster. His name was McHenry. Now, McHenry was a lobster and he was also little. He lived in the ocean, and McHenry was a little lobster, who lived in the ocean. In the ocean lived a little lobster, named McHenry, who lived in the ocean and was a lobster. McHenry was small, so the ocean, which he lived in, was large to him, him being McHenry, a small lobster who lived in the ocean.
Now McHenry, this lobster who lived in the ocean was small. He felt small because he was little, and his best friend was a shark. The thing was this shark was very large, and also had to be constantly moving, or else his gills would not work and he would die. This made McHenry
No, no, stop the story.
I just noticed that whenever I push the apostrophe key, I get the same results as inputting CRTL+F would normally get me. Hold on, let me try it again.
Yeah... yeah.
Oh, now Im just in no mood... to...
See, it didn
What kind of disgusting world do we live in, where I can
...where I cannot use proper grammatical punctuation? No wonder the youth of today cannot speak properly anymore.
Oh, and this story was going to go into gay lobster-shark sex, and now you arenAPOSTROPHEt getting any.
Also I cannot do a backslash here either.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
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