Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Elections in Canadia

Can someone please explain the point of the election that we just had up here, because I am lost.
Let's see...what has changed? Well the Conservatives won a minori-no wait, nothing new there...uh...oh! The Liberals came in secon-nope, never mind. That's still the same...Quebecers are clinging to their separatist party and should just stop whining and leav-ah, right. That has been going on for years. What changed in this election exactly?
We just spent $300 Million, that's $300,000,000 on an election that ultimately changed absolutely nothing. That's a lot of zeros to spend on nothing. Let me put this into perspective. Here is a list of useful things we 
could have spent the money on:

428 CAT Scanners to provide quicker diagnosis of cancer and other diseases, and improve the quality of health care in Canada--Cost: $299.6 million

5400 Affordable housing units to help fight poverty and reduce homelessness--Cost: about $292 million

Offset 2.1 billion kg of CO2 emissions (742 million liters of oil)--Cost: $294,258,310.63

7 Euros to help stimulate the economy--Cost: $298.5 million

1 medium pizza (3 toppings max) for every person who actually voted (Lowest turnout for a Canadian general election ever-58%) It would help to fight hunger--Cost: about $250 million

There. All the election issues, and what could have happened if the money was spent there. But, no. The government couldn't spend money on the issues that Canadians want them to, they use it to take a month off work and fly around the country. Hey, it's a free vacation at the taxpayers expense! Where's the problem there? Fuckers.

The election also sets the stage for another issue that has been bugging me, and a lot of people in the country: The way the government is set up. Everyone claims that this is such a fair system of government, and oh look at how great democracy is! All right Mr. Patriot, explain to me how a party that gets 8% of the votes in the country gets 50 seats in the government, while a party that gets 6% gets none. Show me the fairness in that. The BQ, a party that doesn't even have anybody running for MP outside of Quebec, gets about 8% of the popular vote in Canada, and they get 50 seats. The Green Party, who actually has someone running for election in every riding gets 6.6% of the votes in the country, but because they didn't come in first in any of the ridings, they don't get any say in the government. This is complete bullshit. Everyone is griping about only 58% voter turnout, but what do you expect? The majority of the ballots cast don't even count. If your ballot is not going to count, then what is the point of even voting?

All this may just be because I live in a riding full of idiots. They elected the biggest asshole running for MP. It's not just because he's Conservative, the party which I particularly dislike, that I'm griping about him, it's the fact that the guy is a dick. He is, as a person, quite simply a incompetent, untrustworthy jerk. His whole campaign was run based on cheap shots at other candidates, kissing Harper's ass, and telling downright lies. Plus he just looks like a murderer. He's all wiry and squinty-eyed. I have a really bad feeling about him.

It might well be a very long 8 months until the next election.