Well kids, today I want to talk about September 11th, 2001, or more accurately the conspiracy theory that spawned from it.
I just watched a documentary called Loose Change (Link), and it inspired me to post my thoughts on the subject here.
Like most conspiracy documentaries, a lot of the evidence used to back up its argument was very circumstantial, the quotes and interviews often did not have the context attached, and they made a fuss over a lot on insignificant details (which in many cases seems to be lack of common sense and pisses me off more than anything else with this conspiracy. "Oh my God! That window broke as thousands of tons of steel fell on to it! That proves the government did it!"). That being said, however, the movie did make some good points. It raised some questions that made me have to think about where I stand on the issue, and I like it when someone provides an intelligent, contrary argument that does that. However after some thought and research, I have decided that my original opinion still stands; the 9/11 conspiracy is, from the evidence I've seen, not true.
Firstly, I wish to destroy the biggest part of this conspiracy: the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers. Contest me if you like, but the calculations I have are based on physics and cold hard math. They are as un-biased as I could possibly make them.
Here are few numbers about the two towers that you should keep in mind. The North and South towers were respectively 1,368 and 1,377 feet tall (excluding the antenna on WTC1). When completed in 1972 they were the tallest buildings in the world, a title they held until the completion of the Sears Tower in 1974. The Twin Towers both had 110 stories, 3.8 million sq. feet of floor space. On any given day there were about 50,000 people working at the WTC complex, which covered 16 acres. Basically I'm saying the place was huge. So huge, in fact, that it even had its own zip code (10048, dontchaknow).
Since I wasn't too familiar with how controlled "implosions" of buildings worked I did a little research. I quickly found that there are several aspects that when combined make it near impossible that a controlled explosive demolition occurred at the towers, and they happen to be the same aspects that the theorists are using to back their argument: the steel core of the buildings, the 2000F burning temperature of jet fuel, and the time the towers were standing after the impact of the plane.
Since the building was built with steel support cores, dynamite could not be used. TNT is only effective for demolition when used in concrete cores. For steel cored buildings, demolition companies use a chemical explosive called Cyclotrimethylenetrinitamine, more commonly known as cyclonite or RDX, which is of similar consistency to plastic explosives. It is quite sensitive to impact and friction, and has an ignition temperature of 500F (260C). So basically by saying it was a controlled demolition, you are saying a fairly unstable explosive could withstand an impact of a plane, and then an hour and a half of temperatures four times that of what it takes to ignite it. This is more believable than the idea that the steel support columns just got weakened and buckled? The columns that were already under more weight than they were designed to handle? (A rarely mentioned fact is that the outer walls of the towers were load bearing to take some weight off those steel supports. Yeah, the outer wall that the plane kind of flew into. That one.)
Another problem I have with the demolition theory is the rigging of the towers. Well, I never knew the exact numbers, so I did a little math using stats pulled from the demolition of the Hudson Building, and the conditions set in Loose Change. The Hudson Building, for those who don't know, the largest building ever destroyed in a controlled explosive demolition, both in height and square footage, and, like the Twin Towers, had steel support columns (more here). According to the documentary, security and bomb sniffing dogs were "mysteriously" pulled on September 6, meaning that there was a window of 5 days to rig the towers for demolition. Want to guess how many people it would take to get the job done in that time? Wrong, the answer is 282. It would take a team of almost 300 people, working without being seen, mind you, to rig the building in the time for the 11th, and that's if you did not run the det. wire through the walls, which would need to be done since miles (and it would take miles) of brightly coloured wires running all over the place would attract at least some attention in a building as busy as the WTC. And that 282 is just for the towers, you would need more for WTC7 and any others.
Then there are the other people involved. This is another thing that conspiracy theorists (conveniently) never mention. The act of hijacking a few planes and crashing them into some buildings is fairly easy to plan by itself. I do not hesitate for a second to think that fifteen guys in a cave could come up with a plan to do it, so it is obviously within the capabilities of the US government to do. The thing is, for the government to execute a plan like this on its own people would take a lot more than fifteen guys. On top of the actual hijacking, you would need people to come up with the plan to blame the fifteen guys in the cave, the people willing to give their own lives to kill people of their own country, people to keep the people outside the government who knew about the attack or could talk against the government quiet, (apparently) people to orchestrate the use of a cruise missile on the pentagon, people to "deal" with the people who were on the plane that was supposed to have hit the pentagon, people to disassemble the plane that was supposed to have hit the pentagon, and the myriad of other jobs and tasks that would need to get done on the day and in the months and years after the attacks. It would take hundreds of people (plus the 300 man demo team) to pull something like this off. Even on death row, you could not find 10 people who would even consider doing something so rapaciously evil, yet there were apparently 500 or more people involved in this conspiracy, and not one of them have come forward and said that the government did it? I don't think so.
And then, finally, there is the one thing that I have been asking to conspiracy theorists everywhere, and not one has ever given me any answer whatsoever. If the government is capable, and willing to kill almost 3,000 people of it's own country to start a war that will kill many more, and then cover everything up, shut any significant person or expert on the subject up, how are you still here? Do you really think they would let you put up your web documentaries? Do you really think they would let you start message boards and entire websites devoted to the subject? Do you really think they would let it get this far? If the government did what you are accusing them of doing, you would have been taken away by the big men in black suits a long, long time ago. As long as this goes unanswered I will have very serious doubts about the whole concept.
You probably won't get this from reading that, but I do adamantly think the government is hiding something. That, to me, seems fairly obvious. What they are hiding, I don't know, but I do not think it is anything nearly as big as that they were the masterminds behind the whole thing. (I was also going to mention the fact that Obama, and the new government has not uncovered or mentioned anything, but I know where that would lead and I don't feel like talking about the Illuminati. Not in this post anyways.)
So, in the words of the great gryphon, "That's all I have to say about that."
Wolf out.