Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Am I God?

Holy crap! Two posts in as many days? What the hell is going on? Well I've decided that I'm going to use this thing a little more often. Starting now.

Something I read today about humans "playing God" got me thinking. What is a god? Most people would describe it as an all powerful being, and I would agree, but what does "all powerful" mean? "All powerful" is kind of abstract. I mean I've never really heard a good definition of what it means. So, what is a god? If you asked a religious person, they would say a god is something that affects, or at least has the power to affect everything in everyday life. A god can create and destroy life as it pleases. A god has limitless knowledge.

Now, maybe I'm going to go to hell for saying this, but by our own definition, wouldn't we as humans be considered gods when compared to anything else on Earth? Let's go through the list shall we?

-We have the power, and really do, affect everything on Earth. Global warming, wars, clearing vast swathes of land to create farms and suburbs, etc.

-We can create life through cloning and other bio-sciences.

-We could kill anything (or even everything if we wanted to) in apocalyptic ways. Look at the nuclear bomb.

-To any animal we would seem to have unlimited, incomprehensible knowledge. You would never in a million years be able to make, say, a dog understand quantum physics, or even more basic sciences such as forces or where babies come from.

That all seems fairly god-like to me. Hell, we even have the technology to create planets! We don't have the resources, and it would take a lot more than seven days, but theoretically we could do it.

I dunno. Just a random, useless thought I had.

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